Mid-Cities Medical   made in usa  Joint Commission Accreditation and Certification  Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business

Veteran News

October 2024, Vol. 18, Issue 10

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Join the Caregiver Support Program
this October


U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs – Join the VA’s Caregiver Support Program (CSP) for October’s VA Caregiver Support Line (CSL) Monthly Educational Calls – Extinguishing the Fire: Managing Anger’s Destructive Potential.

Anger is a tough emotion we all feel and show from time to time and if your needs are not met or if you are giving more than receiving, you may become angry. Acting out angry feelings in a destructive way, however, can result in harm to you and others.

Caregiving has its challenges, and anger can be a helpful warning to take care of yourself, while managing your anger is vital for your well-being. Review and practice the skills below to better care for your angry feelings as a caregiver:

  • Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 10 a.m. ET
  • Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 7 p.m. ET
  • Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 3 p.m. ET
  • Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 1 p.m. ET (Presented in Spanish)

To listen to the CSL monthly education calls, dial +1 347-566-4838 Conference ID: 521 546 087#. Caregivers who are unable to listen to the calls can also access presentations on the CSL webpage.

Every VA facility has a Caregiver Support Team (CST) to provide support and service referrals, as well as valuable information about resources to help you stay informed and supported as you care for your Veteran.

[learn more]


October 2 Rosh Hashanah
11-12 Yom Kippur
13 U.S. Navy Birthday
14 Columbus Day & Indigenous People’s Day – OFFICE CLOSED
16 Bosses’ Day
31 Halloween
veterans day

Protect Yourself and Others
with Vaccines


VA News – For Veterans, staying healthy is especially important and many Veterans have underlying health conditions that can make illnesses like the flu, RSV, COVID-19 or bacterial pneumonia far more dangerous. The best way to protect yourself from respiratory illness is with vaccinations, and these vaccines are available free of charge to Veterans receiving care at VA.

By taking the simple step of getting vaccinated, you’ll protect yourself and those around you. Most people have either mild or no side effects after getting a vaccine, with some of the most common side effects being arm pain or swelling, headache and fatigue.

Your VA health care provider can help answer questions you have about vaccines, such as:

  • What vaccines are recommended for me this season?
  • How else can I stay healthy and keep from getting sick?
  • Can I receive all recommended vaccines at once, or should they be spaced out?

You can call your local VA to learn when and where you can get vaccines, as well as send a secure message to your provider through My HealtheVet. For help with in-network community shots, call 877-881-7618 or your local VA facility.

[learn more]

If you would like to download a print-version of this or previous month’s newsletter, including additional content, monthly calendar, word search, recipes, etc…

Important Emergency Preparation Steps

emergency preparedness
  • Review all available safety components.
  • Create and have an evacuation plan for your residence.
  • Take as much oxygen and ventilation equipment with you, should you need to evacuate.
  • Contact Mid-Cities Medical for emergency assistance and setup. You will need to provide us with your evacuation address and contact details.
    • Texas – 1 (888) 450-6676
    • CA & AZ – 1 (833) 986-4267

If you have any oxygen or ventilation preparation questions during these ongoing events, or need emergency assistance, please contact our offices:

VISN 17 – Texas, 1 (888) 450-6676
VISN 22 – Arizona, 1 (833) 986-4267
VISN 22 – Southern California, 1 (833) 986-4267
CalOx Inc. – 1 (866) 519-2414

“Freedom isn’t free. We will remember all those that have given their lives for our country. Thank you for your service.”

It’s hurricane season. Are you ready?


Do not try to prepare for a hurricane or any emergency when it happens or as an afterthought. Whether the prediction is for a mild or active, the time to be prepared and be ready is now.

Planning to protect the people and things you love as we enter hurricane season is essential, and there are ways you can prepare and mitigate damage to your home and remain safe during the storm:

  • Find out if you live in a hurricane evacuation zone.
  • Locate the nearest shelter if you need to leave your home.
  • Review/update insurance policies.
  • Plan to protect your home.
  • Build or replenish your emergency kit with hurricane supplies.
  • Create, be familiar and test your family plan.
  • Stay informed with the latest local and national information.

Are you prepared for wildfire season?


Every year, devastating wildfires burn across the United States and while these fires will continue to happen, by working together residents can make their own property and their neighborhood much safer from wildfire.

Changes made to a structure and its surroundings can make a big impact and the first 0 to 5 feet around the structure, known as the immediate zone, has the greatest impact on your risk.

Mid-Cities Medical has partnered with local, regional and national providers to assist individuals in identifying and overcoming barriers in order to have the services and supports that meet your individual strengths, abilities, priorities, and needs.

Mid-Cities Medical

3017 Red Hawk Drive
Grand Prairie, Texas 75052

(888) 450-6676 Toll Free (TX)

Patient Care: 24/7/365
Emergency: Call 911

(833) 986-4267 Toll Free (AZ & CA)

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